We Are One People with One Spirit with So Many Beautiful Names
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Join our network of like-minded people who want to share the spirit of their prayers. Receive your free book excerpts, updates about the How Do You Pray vision, and access to our community. Join this amazing prayerfield and be amazed and inspired!
“How Do You Pray? is a rich tapestry of the ways in which people communicate with the Absolute, however it is named. It beautifully portrays humankind’s eternal desire for transcendence.”
— Larry Dossey, MD, One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters
How Do You Pray? Inspiring Responses from Religious Leaders, Spiritual Guides, Healers, Activists & Other Lovers of Humanity (Monkfish Book Publishing, July 2014) was born from a vision in which Celeste Yacoboni was guided to ask the world, “How do you pray?” She reached out to family and friends, then to leading figures from all walks of life and schools of thought. Culled from those responses is an original and deeply personal collection of prayers, essays, and offerings that encourages readers to contemplate the intention of prayer in their own life.
Composed essentially of prayers and short biographies of its 129 contributors (leaders of diverse spiritual and religious traditions ranging from Buddhism to Judaism to Islam to Christianity, as well as those who do not claim any particular walk of faith), How Do You Pray? is an interspiritual prayer book and resource guide to an emerging global spirituality, which embraces our religious and spiritual diversity.
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“In this dazzling collection of praises to the One, an array of spiritual practitioners shares intimate glimpses into their inner lives. What a privilege! What stunning beauty, naked humility, startling insight. This is no standard collection of established devotions; it is a full-bodied, broken-openhearted love song to the Great Mystery.”
— Mirabai Starr, God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity & Islam
“Celeste Yacoboni is the curator of the world’s greatest spiritual practices and prayers, all put together in one beautiful, holy book and place, where anybody who believes in anything or nothing can reconnect to themselves, to God, and to why they are really here.”
— Marcia Wieder, CEO/Founder of Dream University