A Vision

She felt the spirit that unites us to be larger than any illusion of separation and the oneness of all life. The Source of this life is One and the same essence called God or any other name or point of reference.
Our oneness is our greatness and the power, energy and information of this web of life and is truly the ground of being. Celeste felt the blessing of each breath and each breath became a prayer.
The words revealed themselves…
How do you pray?
What is your souls expression?
How do you dance in ecstasy?
Bare your soul to the divine?
Bow in gratitude?
Merge with nature?
Cry out for guidance?
Aware of the human suffering due to the illusion of separation and the loss of connection to the source of life, Celeste realized the celebration in remembrance. She clearly saw the project as four books and a film.
How Do You Pray? is alive and ever changing. As we evolve, so do our prayers. It is the evolution of illumination, the collective voice of the soul of the world.