by Celeste Yacoboni | Sep 17, 2017 | News
So excited to announce my latest venture: As a columnist for Patheos, with a blog called Exploring the Prayerfield. Patheos aims to be “the premier online destination to engage in the global dialogue about religion and spirituality, and to explore and experience the world’s beliefs … Patheos brings together faith communities, academics, and the broader public into a single environment, and is the place where many people turn on a regular basis for insight, inspiration, and stimulating discussion.” Sounds like I fit in perfectly! You can read my initial post here, and I invite you to check out — and comment on! — all the others as well, including my latest, “In the eye of the storm: riding the calm...
by Celeste Yacoboni | Jul 8, 2017 | News
I’m so honored that New York Spirit, where I’ve been writing for a few months, chose to feature my article “Prayerness: Living Life with Awareness” in a message to subscribers. I’d love for you to read it too and...
by Celeste Yacoboni | Jul 8, 2017 | News
I was delighted to talk with Khalil Ekulona at the Botanical Garden in Albuquerque recently. The segment aired on his “Good Day New Mexico” show on KOB-TV. We discussed the How Do You Pray? vision and its divine...
by Celeste Yacoboni | Jul 2, 2017 | News
On June 27 I was warmly welcomed by staff members and numerous patrons as I gave a talk at the independent Bookworks store in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was lovely evening — so many people shared and we sold all the copies of How Do You Pray? they had! It was a true communion of souls beyond religion and beliefs. I express my gratitude to Bookworks for providing the venue for the heart-to-heart sharing we...
by Celeste Yacoboni | Apr 20, 2017 | News
I’m thrilled to now be a regular writer at the online journal NY Spirit. My latest original post there is titled “Building the Inner Temple: Awareness of the Present Moment brings the divine into your daily life.” Come read and let me know what you think! An excerpt: “Whether it’s for minutes or hours, be unbusy with Spirit. Enter into a non-linear timing, that of spaciousness and presence. Within this awareness, we can’t multi-task the present moment. Sacred awareness expands into our activities and they grow with presence. This awareness is prayerness and the connection we long for… Many of us grew up going to church, temple, mosque, or synagogue and may have become disenchanted with the institutions. Now we pray in every cell of our bodies. We cultivate our inner terrain as our sacred...
by Celeste Yacoboni | Apr 12, 2017 | News
I’m honored to have been accepted as a regular writer for the online journal of Thrive Global. You can see all my contributions at my writer page there. I invite you to join the conversation on my latest article, “G.O.D.: What does that mean to you?” “…As I pondered the word [God], I was flooded with an image and the phrase Grid Of Divinity — with the acronym G.O.D. As I shared this image of the Grid of Divinity with a friend I was fascinated to hear that she too had an acronym experience of God: Grace Opening Depths. Another friend shared hers: Great Open Door. Another was Generate, Organize, Do. A conversation began and there’s no end to it. Good Old Dude really touched my heart and my sense of fun. We can keep this sweet game going — please share acronyms or inspirations in the...